All ZONZINI branded products are a synonym for convenience of use, safety and reliability. They are built by complying with an internal quality egime that for years has made them synonymous with absolute quality, giving faith and safety to past and uture customers. As ZONZINI is a company manufacturing and selling stair climbing systems, it knows only too well that in a sector like this the problems are different for each customer; rarely does the same situation occur twice. For this reason our greatest value is knowing how to listen. ZONZINI customers have always been the company’s most precious asset, a treasure that must be understood and kept in the best of ways. For this reason there are technicians whose single aim is to interpret your feelings and translate them into stair climbing systems that are ever more advanced and better performing. The demonstration videos are intended to be a tool for you to immediately see the potential of our products and the high quality standard that has always made us stand out. Transport on stairs is never an easy matter. Trust those who have made it a reason for their existence. Our production complies with all current legislation and is CE marked. 安全稳定:适用于任何类型的楼梯。 使用Domino,您可以轻松、安全地上下任何类型的楼梯。 它可以在任何类型的地板上旅行,这要归功于它特殊的不沾染和不刮擦的履带。 Domino还可以用于户外不平整的表面,如草、砾石、污垢等,而*操作者保持负载平衡。 自动模式 使用新的自动特性,Domino会自动倾斜楼梯上的负载;操作员只需将其通过操纵杆即可。如此多的技术使运输比以往任何时候都更容易和安全。 使用Domino自动楼梯攀岩者操作员可以随时选择是否和何时切换到手动模式。 配备独立履带,360°旋转 带有双电机的独立履带式履带,即使在狭小的空间内也能保证的操纵舒适性。它是用比例操纵杆操作的。这,这个爬楼梯机器人是容易使用和直观的。 操作人员无疲劳 重量总是均匀地分布在楼梯上,这样操作人员就不必保持手推车的平衡。由于它的特殊履带,负载始终是安全的,没有滑倒的危险。 狭小空间中的操纵 双电机保证的独立履带操纵舒适性即使在狭小的空间里。 平衡负荷 多亏了电动执行器,负载角度可以调整,以保持直立和时时刻刻保持平衡. 防滑 无标记及防滑履带适用于所有室内和室外表面。 不规则台阶 您不再受台阶高度的限制,因为它也可以爬上不规则的台阶。. 单指控制 它是用比例操纵杆操作的。使它易于使用和直观。 平面运动 Domino还允许在平面上移动负载,无论是室内还是室外. 任选 它可以配备一系列可供选择的配件完全满足每一种需要. 自动 Domino自动调整楼梯上的负荷倾斜,缓解运输过程中的压力给接线员。